The Abbe Underground Twisted Path II Exhibit Closing Party

The launch of the Abbe Underground, a young friends group for ages 21-40, was a huge success at our kick-off party here at the Museum on April 13, 2012. With more than 65 guests, we managed to raise over $1000 for our Abbe Museum Sustainability Initiative.  A fun time was had by all as the Undergrounders explored the exhibits, danced in the circle and counted down to the closing of our recent exhibit, Twisted Path II.  Many of the guests had never visited the Museum before and the overwhelming sentiment was that the Abbe Museum should have more events catered towards the young professionals crowd on Mount Desert Island. Thanks to everyone for coming!

An enormous amount of gratitude is due to Side Street Café for underwriting the event as well as hosting the fabulous after-party with the Trisha Mason Band.  Thanks to their generosity we were able to throw a fantastic party!

Our next event will take place in July.  Contact Nora for more details.
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