The Abbe on the Road

From time to time, Abbe staff travel throughout Maine, connecting with collaborative partners, visiting with donors, and meeting with Native artists and advisers.  On Wednesday, March 28, the Abbe hit the road for some business Downeast.  The trip included Abbe Museum CEO Cinnamon Catlin-Legutko, Director of Development Hannah Whalen, Manager of Museum Services Astra Haldeman, and Guest Services Associate Whitney Thurston.  We thought our readers would like a peek at our travelogue.

7:04 AM
Left Cinnamon's House.  It was very early for Astra and Whitney, who are not morning people.  Cinnamon and Hannah were ready to go.

7:11 AM
Town Hill Market.  Before leaving MDI we had to stop for coffee.  And who could resist fresh-baked lemon poppy seed muffins?  Not us...mmmmm, they were zesty.

7:43 AM
We passed Sullivan Harbor Farm Smokehouse, our newest Community Partner at the Business Associate Level.  Soon after we passed Lunaform and then Hog Bay Pottery, both supporters of the Gathering Gala.  Lunaform will be donating a small tulip planter for this year's auction, and Hog Bay's donation is still a surprise!   

7:46 AM
A break in the trees allowed us a beautiful view of MDI...

7:52 AM
We passed the turn-off to the location for the 2012 Field School in Archaeology.  The Field School has been excavating this particular spot over the past couple of years, and there were some very exciting finds last year!

8:36 AM
With Whitney in the car, we celebrated our passage through Whitneyville!

8:40 AM
We reached Machias, our first destination that day.

8:46 AM
Because we arrived in Machias a bit early, we had time to sit down for coffee.  We stopped at the Towne Fryer, where we enjoyed delicious donuts and warm drinks.  Astra couldn't resist a strawberry shortcake with fresh strawberries and freshly baked biscuits, topped decadently with freshly whipped cream!  Delicious!

9:19 AM
We arrived at Machias Savings Bank, where Cinnamon and Hannah met with Ed Hennessy, CEO, and Larry Barker, President, to thank Machias for their generous support of the Abbe's upcoming exhibit N'tolonapemk: Our Ancestors' PlaceMachias Savings Bank is sponsoring the exhibit which will be opening in November, and it is co-curated by Donald Soctomah, Passamaquoddy Tribal Historian.

9:19 AM
Meanwhile, in the car, Astra and Whitney discussed their inventory wish-list for the Abbe Shop in 2012 and planned their buying strategy for the year.

10:21 AM
We moved across town to Helen's Restaurant, for a meeting between Maine Office of Tourism and representatives of Maine's Historic Bold Coast, a collaborative group of museums, historic properties, and other cultural organizations from Ellsworth to Compobello.  Learn more at

10:27 AM
Meanwhile, Astra and Whitney were meant to drive the car back into Machias.  But there was one problem: What do we do with this strange key?

10:31 AM
A few minutes later, Astra and Whitney were still stuck in the parking lot.  Apparently, car keys have evolved.

11:45 AM
Astra and Whitney sat down for lunch at Helen's Restaurant.  They began writing this blog post, and realized that so far, it sounded a bit like a food blog.  We promise we did more than eat, but we just can't resist sharing these photos of the wonderful foods we found along the way:

12:04 PM
Whitney and Astra ordered sandwiches for Hannah and Cinnamon, who were still busy in their meeting.

12:35 PM
The four of us were back on the road, on our way to Pleasant Point.

1:42 PM
We arrived at Pleasant Point, one of the two Passamaquoddy reservations in Washington County, where we planned to make some purchases for the Shop.  Astra and Whitney met with some artists in the Bingo Hall, and afterwards visited Clara Keezer at her home.  We have lots of new and exciting baskets, jewelry and more in the Abbe Shop because of this come by and check it out!  Meanwhile, Hannah and Cinnamon enjoyed a tour of the Waponahki Museum with Brenda Moore-Mitchell, one of the new members of the Abbe Museum's Native Advisory Council.  Many exciting collaborative ideas were discussed!

4:22 PM
Snow was falling as we left Pleasant Point for the drive back to Bar Harbor.

4:37 PM
We didn't get too far until we needed to fill-up at the gas station.  We hoped the unexpected snow wouldn't make our drive home too difficult.

4:43 PM
Whitney enjoyed browsing through Cinnamon's impressive music collection, selecting upbeat tunes to make the journey seem shorter.

4:52 PM
Was it the music, the snow, or the inspiration of our many meetings that day?  Whatever the cause, Hannah had a great idea.  We don't want to give it away, but if all goes well it may direct first-time Bar Harbor tourists to the Abbe this summer.

4:58 PM
We passed the turn to Roosevelt Campobello International Park, one of the Historic Bold Coast partners.

5:35 PM
We passed another institution on the Bold Coast's cultural tour, the Ruggles House.

5:44 PM
"It looks like November, but I'm really glad it's not."  Well stated, Hannah.  We all agree.

6:39 PM
We crossed the bridge onto Mount Desert Island.

6:49 PM
We stopped in Somesville, where we split up to travel our separate ways home.

Join us next time!