"Winter in the Dawnland", Children's Program

Muwin and the Seven Bird Hunters, Illustrated by Kristy Read & Sana Kavanaugh

Join Museum Educator, George Neptune on Monday, January 20 from 1:00 - 3:00pm (a public school holiday) for a children's program entitled Winter in the Dawnland, Wabanaki Stories and Craft Activity.

In Wabanaki culture, the winter season was traditionally a time of quiet introspection and, most importantly, a time to share traditional stories.  In this new program series designed for children, each month will feature a different traditional story from the Wabanaki tribes and a craft activity that relates to the story.  This month, hear stories such as Muwin and the Seven Bird Hunters, the Girl who Married a Star, and legends of the Star People—then, weave and decorate your own paper star to take home with you!