Teach a Child, Support a Teacher Initiative

We wanted to share the description of this year's paddle raise initiative with you. If you are interested in supporting this initiative, please contact Abbe Museum Development Director, Hannah Whalen at 288-3519 or hannah@abbemuseum.org.

From the 2013 Gathering Gala catalog:

"By raising your paddle to donate a monetary gift tonight, you will help us match nearly $170,000 in federal and private funding we’ve secured to meet the needs of Maine teachers and students as they learn about Wabanaki history, culture, and people.

Over the course of this three-year project, we need an additional $120,000 to fully match the grant. Tonight, you can help us reach our year-one match goal of $40,000 by raising your school-bus yellow paddles!

Your impact will be evident:

  • Through lesson plan development and 16 free workshops and enhanced online resources, Abbe educators will lead 800 Maine school teachers through comprehensive training, relieving the teacher’s burden of this unfunded mandate, the Wabanaki Initiative (LD 291).
  • Connecting with 800 teachers means a direct impact of more than 10,000 Maine students who will benefit from their teachers’ increased comfort and competence in teaching Wabanaki content.
  • Ultimately all active learners in this project will benefit when stereotypes are diminished and critical thinking skills are developed, which leads to a more respectful and informed society.

Museums are education centers and it is our greatest purpose to ensure that a 21st century education in Maine includes the Wabanaki perspective and provides accurate and respectful content for classroom learning.

Your gift tonight will have a lasting impact on today’s teachers and tomorrow’s citizens.

Thank you for raising your paddle!"