Farewell Astra!

Astra at the Gathering Gala, photo by Rogier van Bakel
Over the past 4 years, the Abbe has been incredibly blessed by the presence, talents and dedicated work of Astra Haldeman. Astra first began at the Abbe on the frontline in June 2009. Her organization, focus and communication skills as well as her cheerful presence led to her quick progression from that position to managing the shop imventory to Manager of Museum Services. Astra's impeccable work over the years included developing lasting relationships with Native artists, growing the shop's inventory, ensuring that museum guests are treated warmly, working with volunteers and members, and transforming the behind-the-scenes work of the Gathering Gala into the efficient machine it is today.

Astra and Lou's boat, the Evelyn
In May, Astra left her position at the Abbe to prepare to sail the East Coast with her husband, Lou Gallagher, on their wooden sailboat, the Evelyn. We will miss Astra dearly, but are so excited for her and wish her and Lou all the best on their adventure!
We will miss you, Astra!