Why I Give Back: Maria Biasin

After spending years working as an Abbe Guest Services Associate, Maria Biasin has said it was easy to fall in love with the staff, volunteers, visitors, and the Museum's mission, all of which keep her coming back now as a volunteer in her spare time. She loves meeting with visitors and hearing about what drew them to stop in for a visit, and what they may or may not know about the Wabanaki.

One of Maria's first volunteering tasks was monumental: cataloging the Museum's expansive library book collection.

"I wish more people knew of this enormous collection and took advantage of all the information it contained," she said.

One of Maria's most memorable moments at the Abbe actually came just a few weeks after starting as a member of the shop's staff. One day a gentlemen walked in and searched through the Wabanaki art on display, gathering up many pieces that piqued his interest.

"The other workers and I were giddy by how beneficial that was for the shop, and it made me think about how the Museum relies on big collectors like that to continue its educational outreach, and also continue formulating new and interesting exhibits."

Thank you, Maria, for your support, and for believing in what we do!

You can also become avolunteer or donateto the Abbe Museum. If you have any specific questions or comments, we'd love to hear from you! Contact us at info@abbemuseum.org or 207-288-3519.

Did You Know?

We often get asked, "What's the best way to help?" Our answer is simple: Any way you can. Volunteering is a wonderful opportunity to take an active role in helping the Abbe inspire new learning about the Wabanaki Nations. Don't worry if you don't have large amounts of time to commit--we have plenty of opportunities that require just a few hours here and there. We love our volunteers!