Learning Together: New Abbe Museum Tours

Just in time for the upcoming school year, the Abbe Museum is excited to announce that we have developed two new guided tours – Living in Harmony: Caring for Land & Waters and What is Sovereignty?  An Introduction to Wabanaki Self-Governance – to accompany our Visiting the Abbe tour option.

 Living in Harmony complements environmental and earth science learning, and can be tailored to suit all grade levels.  At the heart of this tour is a focus on environmental responsibility through Wabanaki world views of inter-relatedness. Through place-based knowledge, traditional stories, and examining contemporary efforts, visiting groups will learn how, throughout time, Wabanaki peoples’ environmental stewardship practices sustain the land and waters for future generations. 

What is Sovereignty? brings you on a civics lesson over 12,000 years in the making – a story actively featured in today's news. This tour invites participants to learn about the concept of sovereignty, as well as  Wabanaki Nations’ self-determination and intergovernmental relations over time. It will touch on pre-contact diplomacy, relationships with the US federal government, and how state and federal policy affect the Nations today. This tour complements social studies classroom learning about civics, government, and history and is suggested for 6th-12th grade.

We can accommodate a maximum of 50 people at one time. Larger groups can be arranged with staggered start times. For student groups, we require at least 1 chaperone for every 10 students. Visit our website at abbemuseum.org/programs to learn more and schedule your tour today. If you have any questions, reach out to our Curator of Education, Christiana Becker, at educator@abbemuseum.org. We look forward to seeing you soon!