In Gratitude

As the snow starts to fall on Bar Harbor and the end of 2013 draws near, all of us at the Abbe wanted to take this opportunity to express our deepest gratitude for the support of our community throughout this past year. By visiting the museum, becoming a member, donating, volunteering and generally being interested in what we do, you have made the many accomplishments of this past year possible. And what a year it has been, with the opening of four new exhibits and our first traveling exhibit from the Smithsonian, the opening of the renovated Sieur de Monts Spring location, the 20th Annual Native American Festival, the artist-in-residence month-long canoe build and, of course, our affiliation with the Smithsonian Institute. Throughout all of these events and exhibits, our educators have diligently been working to develop and take curriculum on the Wabanaki into classrooms throughout the state.

We are so proud of the work the Abbe does and honored by the people we attract. Thank you for being a part of that intelligent, enthusiastic and creative community!

Happy holidays from everyone at the Abbe!

Cinnamon Catlin-Legutko, Abbe Museum President and CEO at the 2013 Gathering Gala.