October at the Abbe

The newly completed education canoe, about to be launched for the first time.
Hello and happy October! This is always an exciting month at the Abbe. The summer business has receded and we are settling into fall. October always holds annual Abbe favorites, such as Tea, Popovers & Archaeology and the start of the Annual Native American Film Festival. This October we are also very excited to be hosting FILM FORWARD on October 1, an international touring program that offers film screenings, workshops and discussions with filmmakers, designed to foster dialogue and greater cultural understanding, a mission the Abbe supports. Equally exciting is a special workshop for children at the end of the month. On October 26, David Moses Bridges, Passamaquoddy, will be leading a workshop on birchbark maps and Wabanaki guides. This workshop will be free, but registration is required. See the feature below for details. 

See you soon!
