5th Annual Native American Film Festival

The Abbe's 5th Annual Film Series will focus on the changing representation of Native people in film, specifically as Native writers, actors, and directors gain more control over telling their own stories.  The series will open Thursday, October 3 with The Last of the Mohicans from 7:00 – 9:00pm at the Abbe’s downtown location. The film, based on the 1826 novel by James Fennimore Cooper, takes place in 1757 New England with British and French troops battling in colonial America, with aid from Native American allies. The British troops enlist the help of local colonial militia men, who are reluctant to leave their homes undefended.  

Future films in the series will include Thunderheart and More Than Frybread. Each film experience stands on its own, but participants who attend the entire series will learn more about the progression of Native representation in film. Discussions about more recent representations, including Twilight and The Lone Ranger will help place these films in a larger context.  As always, the film events are free and open to the public, and the film series is once again made possible by Reel Pizza.