Summer at the Abbe!

Abbe Museum Field School, a popular August event.
Hello and happy summer! As I write, I can see out the window onto busy Cottage Street here in downtown Bar Harbor. A few days after the Fourth of July, the town is packed and the energy is up! Inside the Abbe, the same excitement fills the building. As we bustle towards several major events and many incredible programs and workshops, it is really nice to take a moment to put together this eNews and reflect on our upcoming offerings. We are really excited about all the next few months have to offer and we look forward to seeing you at an event, a program or in one of our many current exhibits.

A brief note - because we have so many upcoming programs and workshops, we have worked out a little system to make sure you are up-to-date on these offerings. The next few issues of eNews will highlight upcoming programs that require advance registration. These programs have been filling quickly and we want to make sure those interested have the opportunity to register. All upcoming programs will still be listed on the left sidebar of each eNews. Additionally, we will be sending out a weekly program email, listing that week's programs that are open and free to anyone wanting to drop in. We think this will help keep things clear, concise, and help keep you as informed as possible on the many opportunities to experience at the Abbe this summer.

Have a wonderful July!
