Abbe Invites All to Holiday Open House

The Abbe Museum is excited to announce our upcoming Holiday Open House, to be held at our downtown Bar Harbor location. Please join us on Sunday, December 13th from 1:00 – 4:00 for a free visit to the Museum. Many exciting family oriented activities are planned for this day to celebrate our community, the holiday season and Wabanaki culture. Take part in “craft” stations where you can participate in hands on projects These projects will include weaving a star ornament, making a natural stained glass window ornament and beading a wigwam, just to name a few. Visitors will also enjoy a variety of games as well as goodies and refreshments.

The Holiday Open House is also a perfect opportunity to see our exhibit, Twisted Path: Contemporary Native American Artists Walking in Two Worlds, before it closes later this month. Visitors will also want to stop in the Abbe Museum Shop, where everything is 20% off with a selection of books at 40% off. For more information about the Abbe Museum Holiday Open House, the Museum, or the gift shop sale, call 288-3519.