Abbe Museum Hosts Archeology Field School

Originally posted on by:
Chris Facchini, Anchor/Reporter, WLBZ2

SORRENTO (NEWS CENTER) --The Abbe Museum in Bar Harbor has a mission to protect and preserve the history and culture of Maines native peoples. That is why it is hosting an archeological field school this week in the Hancock County town of Sorrento.

The state's senior archeologist, Dr. Arthur Spiess, is overseeing the dig site. A group of about a dozen people took part in the field school, which is unearthing an encampment that is about 2500 years old. The group uncovered a variety of fish and animal bones, sea shells, and pieces of pottery

"100 years from now a majority of these archeological sites will be gone they'll be washed into the sea. So basically what we're doing now is rescue archeology we're getting data out of the ground that wont be here 100 years from now," Dr. Spiess said.

Those who participate in the archeology filed school will be at the dig site all week from 9am to 4pm, followed by a lecture series in the evenings.