Kids Get Creative at Abbe Museum

On July 18th at the Abbe Museum Downtown, children and their families joined Abbe volunteer Dee Lustusky for a hands on drawing workshop called "Art of the Star". Participants had the chance to use a bit of artistic geometry by first drawing a circle, then adding points to the circle and connecting the points to create a multi-faceted star. Once their line art was complete, they called on their own individual creativity to add colors and patterns to their stars which where transformed into original works of art. While simple in nature, this free workshop offered children and their families a chance to work together and to explore art and creativity with each other. It also helped expose the Abbe Museum to new people who are now advocates. Most of all, it was fun!

If this sounds like fun to you, Dee will be hosting 2 more free workshops this summer. Call Raney Bench, Education Coordinator at 207-288-3519 for details and to register.