Gal Frey


MEDIUM: Basketry - Ash

Gal Frey is a traditional Passamaquoddy basketmaker, beadworker, jewelry worker and quillworker well known nationally for her expertise in the ash and sweetgrass basket traditions. She also makes earrings with porcupine quills and glass beads, and designs beaded stone pendants on necklaces. Gal learned the art of quillworking from Joan Dana and the art of weaving baskets from Sylvia Gabriel and other family members. Her beadwork is self-taught, and she gathers the ash and sweetgrass herself and finds the quills on the roadside. Each piece is designed individually. Gal, who was raised at Pleasant Point,  is an intergenerational teacher (basketry, regalia), committed to the continuity of Passamaquoddy culture. Her mother, father and grandmother also made baskets, as do her sons, Jeremy and Gabriel. Gal is a licensed Massage Therapist employed with Indian Health Services, Pleasant Point and Indian Township, as well as through her art Gallery and Spa. Her role as an elder and grandmother furthers her understanding of intergenerational processes in cultural learning. She is a member of the “Sipayik Cultural Committee”, a team of individuals who are committed to volunteering their time and energy at the Waponahki Museum to keep cultural activities alive in their community.