Other news & events for April

Spring is here and our program calendar is full of exciting activities, indoors and out!  Check ouronline calendar for all of the details  about upcoming programs, events, lectures, workshops.

The Abbe Museum & Shop are currentlyopen to visitors Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 10:00 - 4:00.

Please don't forget to call first in the event of inclement weather; if MDI schools are closed, the Abbe Museum will be closed as well. School visits and special programs can be arranged--please contact us for more information (207.288.3519) or visitwww.abbemuseum.org to learn more.

Interested in learning about other news and events?  Each month, we try to compile articles and events that might interest our members and friends.  We link to them in these blog posts, as well as on ourFacebook page. 


Abbe will partner with Smithsonian on Fenceviewer.com

The Passamaqouddy of Maine Defend Culturally Based Fisheries Management Plan by Sherri Mitchell on Native News Network.com

Maine Governor Allegedly Threatens Wabanaki Nations over Elvers in Indian Country Today Media Network

Gov Threatens to Withdraw Support for Maine Tribal Commission Read or Listen on MPBN.com

Maine signs on to Indian child welfare lawsuit before US Supreme Court in Native American Times

Passamaquoddy's BlackBear Communications Launches Campaign to Improve Healthcare Options for Natives in Indian Country Today Media Network

Alewife bill moves forward in Maine Sun Journal

House Introduces Bill to Ban Racist 'Redskins' Trademark in Indian Country Today Media Network

Portsmouth commemorates 300th anniversary of 1713 treaty between Native Americans and colonial English on Fosters.com

Abbe to offer vacation sessions in the MDI Islander

David Moses Bridges was a recent guest onWERU's monthly program BoatTalk, hosted by Alan Sprague and Mike Joyce.  If you missed the live program, you can stilllisten to it here.

View recent additions to the Abbe Museum's collections , including a beautiful birchbark basket by David Moses Bridges.

Did you miss the NMAI's recent symposium on Racist Stereotypes and Cultural Appropriation in American Sports? If so, we encourage you to watch the video's archived on the SmithsonianNMAI youtube channel.


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