Creating New Educational Activities

Using "touchable" artifacts from the
Abbe's collections, George teaches
a school group about archaeology.
George Neptune, Museum Educator, spends the month preparing new activities for school teachers, and leading educational programming.

Even though I have fewer school groups coming to the Abbe than most times of year, I'm still working away at educational programs.  I'm developing birch bark inspired activities (including a aeart-shaped basket, in time for Valentine's day!), Wabanaki Guides activities and programming, and helping with exhibit construction whenever I can.  I'm particularly excited about our two tracking workshops, in which you will learn different tracking techniques with two Wabanaki guides.  One of these workshops will take place during the mid-winter school break, along with many other activities that correlate to our Wabanaki Guides exhibit.  Check our February calendar to find out which activities will be available!