Changes for the New Year

Astra Haldeman, Manager of Museum Services, has been getting ready for the new year.

My new year has started with a number of projects, so you can keep your eyes open for some changes during 2013!
Astra has been taking photos as the exhibits change, so that
we can share the process with all our Abbe friends.

We now have a new database system and I have been working hard to get that up and running.  Once it is ready, we should make all our communications with our members and supporters – like all of you – more efficient and user friendly.  It will also help us move into a greener era of increased email communications for those who prefer it—but not to worry, if you still want paper, our new database will also help us make sure that you get it.  So if in the next few months you find an error of any kind – in your address, your email, the spelling of your name, or your mailing preferences – please let me know. 

Another big project I’ve started work on is updating our membership program.  Last spring we sent out a survey, and I’m grateful to everyone who took the time to respond.  If there is something you want to share about our membership program, you can always feel free to email me with your thoughts.  Those responses, along with a good deal of research on memberships that Cinnamon and I have been working on, will help us as we move forward in 2013 and prepare to launch some changes.  Our goal is to offer you membership options that allow you to support the Abbe Museum in ways that add value to your life and our programs, and we welcome your suggestions.

I also spent some time putting together this issue of Abbe eNews, so I hope you enjoy!  As always, please let me know if you have any suggestions or comments, or if there are articles or topics you would like to see us cover in 2013.  And don’t forget to check our Facebook page ( ) often – in between issues of Abbe eNews, Johannah has been posting news articles, event updates, and press releases to keep everyone informed about what is happening at the Abbe Museum!