Building Improvements

Director of Finance & Administration John Brown ("JB") has been busy with changes to both Abbe locations.

JB has been busy with buildings projects both Downtown and at Sieur de Monts, which has kept him moving back and forth between locations.  Sieur de Monts is being renovated this winter, and a number of steps that are part of our Greening Initiative have begun Downtown.  In fact, it was so hard to catch JB in one place, that we gave up and instead decided to share an image from one of these projects.  Right now, scaffolding has been constructed in the Circle of the Four Directions so that the twelve large windows can be covered with a protective film that will reduce the amount of light that touches the exhibit objects, as well as the amount of heat that the light generates.  This June, we will host the traveling exhibition IndiVisible from the National Museum of the American Indian in the Circle of the Four Directions.