Behind the Scenes in January

We found Cinnamon Catlin-Legutko, CEO of the Abbe Museum,
researching and writing grant applications in her office.
The Abbe Museum is closed for the month of January, but that doesn't mean the work stops.  Though we may not have regular visiting hours, during the month of January we still have school groups, public programs, and special events.  But even more importantly, January is the time when we finish up tasks from the year before, and start making the preparations and laying the groundwork for a successful year ahead.  January is an important month, one that makes the other eleven months run more smoothly. 

Ever wonder what happens at the Abbe Museum when the doors are closed?  If so, then you are in luck...because this issue of Abbe Museum is dedicated to a behind the scenes look at Bar Harbor's quiet time.

For example, Cinnamon Catlin-Legutko, CEO of the Abbe Museum, had this to say: This time of year, my work as CEO is focused on planning and writing - planning events, initiatives, and meetings and writing grant applications, policy, and organizational messages. My keyboard gets a workout so that when the weather changes and the island welcomes summer visitors again, I'm ready to meet new people, connect with Abbe friends, and be part of the exciting events, programs and exhibits we produce each year.  All our plans are in place and our implementation a success because of the rigorous work we do in the winter.  

We found JB working at the file cabinets.
John Brown, Director of Finance and Administration, has been busy wrapping up the financial happenings of 2011.  He has also been leading the search to find new software that will update the Abbe Museum's aging systems.  What will this mean for our visitors?  The new software should help us provide a more seamless experience for friends and members of the Abbe Museum and keep us on top of current technological trends.

What are others doing at the Abbe Museum this January?  Read on to find out!