Calling for Justice for George Floyd and Systemic Change to Move Toward Equity

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Wolankeyawolotultiq (wool-an-kay-ow-lod-ool-tiqw) - "take good care of each other"

Wolankeyawolotultiq is a Passamaquoddy/Maliseet imperative term that is the basis for community/kinship/family. In order for our communities to work, we must live by taking good care of each other — wolankeyawolotultiq. In this historic moment, taking care of each other means listening to black voices and confronting systemic racism. 

American history has a deep intersection between the establishment of settler-colonial society, white supremacy, and the continued violence against black communities. The thousands protesting the killing of George Floyd are a reminder that systemic racism and white supremacy put black and brown lives at risk every day. Equality is a human right, yet it does not exist in America today. Blinding ourselves from that fact led to the violence that ended George Floyd's life, and the lives of countless others. As a nation, we must confront this ongoing violence.

The Abbe Museum believes that museums are not neutral. When museums choose not to speak out on issues of race and inequity, they are supporting the status quo. As a museum in a field created by and for white settler-colonists, the Abbe is working hard to shift power back into the hands of those we serve. Through our Decolonization Initiative, we are taking a serious look at our practices, admitting hard truths, and making meaningful changes. We will continue working towards the goal of equity and equality in the spaces we influence. We call on other museums to engage in antiracist and decolonizing practices. To this end, we will be sharing resources in the coming days and weeks. As museums and as a society, we must engage in a shift of power, or we will continue to cause harm.

The Abbe Museum is in solidarity with those speaking against violence. We support and believe that Black Lives Matter. We believe in the amplification of black voices at this time and in the future to continue the shift to dismantle systems that cause harm. We believe we can only truly achieve equality and end oppression when we embrace the notion that our collective communities' survival depends upon our ability as human beings to take good care of each other. 

Wolankeyawolotultiq. Now and every day forward.


Abbe Museum Team